Abby Horbach

Client Reviews

Below are client reviews and comments throughout our time together!

*Abby has been the BEST investment for myself ever! She has taught me way more in the short amount of time of working with her than I did in the time I worked with other health coaches and even past therapists! I think the overall lesson I've learned is to just keep going. This is something you hear all the time but hearing it from Abby in multiple ways has really helped me implement and remember to keep going no matter how I'm feeling or what I'm experiencing.


*I have changed physically but feel I have WAY more emotionally and mentally. I've had my moments of falling back into old habits of negative thinking, binging, etc. But with Abby's guidance I'm seeing that I can't be 'on' all the time and am learning how to navigate the lows in life as well as enjoying the ups! 


*You have been a godsend and I just could not be more grateful for you! You have been so encouraging and motivating. I am still inspired to reach my goals and it’s highly because of your gracious help. God knew that i was going to need you to help me through this difficult season of my life. I know that he had a hand in placing you right in my life at just the right time. 🫶


*I LOVE that you are so encouraging and don't give up on me! You are allowed to call me out on my bullshit! Don't get me wrong I definitely love the encouragement but I do need some tough love thrown in there as well!


*Abby is very organized and get back in a timely manor. She has been there when I had some lows and give me that encouragement that I needed for that day. She has been great at my calories and not killing or starving me. I tell her what my goals are and she accommodates what I want. She doesn't push me to do something that I do want to do.


*Go for it! I was hesitant at first as well considering my past health coach experiences and what I knew about myself when it came to actually putting in the work. But working with Abby is like working with a friend! She has put so much effort into helping me see myself for who I really am and has been one of the most encouraging people I've had in my life! She is always willing to change her approach in coaching but is also honest when I need it!

*Physically- my body is holy moly different. I hate taking pictures, but it is well worth every bit of it when you see the pictures. Mentally- I have pushed myself (running) in ways that I did not think I could. I hate running and now I love to push myself and see how far my body will actually allow me to run and I amaze myself every time when the distance gets further and further. Emotionally- I am not so disgusted with myself when I look in the mirror, I am slowly starting to love myself again.


If you would like personal communication with one of my clients, please let me know, and I would be happy to connect you! :)